MDI Graduate Courses
MDI 503: Structure and Thermodynamics of Materials (FALL COURSE)
This course provides a unified first principles and thermochemical perspective of phase stability, crystal structure and equilibrium properties of materials. This course takes the view of linking thermodynamics to crystal/molecular structure. Both a thermochemical perspective and a first-principles perspective of thermodynamics is given. The course will also introduce students to the development and use of thermodynamic and crystallographic databases. This course will provide an introduction to the linkage between thermodynamics, crystal/molecular symmetry and equilibrium properties of data.
MDI 507: Quantitative Methods in Material Characterization (SPRING COURSE)
This course provides an overview of the different modalities of imaging and spectroscopy in materials science with an emphasis on signal and data analytics; linked to the physics of the instrumentation and the interpretation of the spectrum or image. A selection of laboratory components will be offered to be tailored to the student's research interests.
MDI 332: Foundations of Materials Thermodynamics and Structures (SPRING COURSE)
This course introduces classical thermodynamics theory and basic thermodynamic principles. It will apply thermodynamic concepts to the understanding and analysis of phase stability, crystal structure, equilibrium properties of materials, and the linkage between thermodynamics, crystal structure/molecular symmetry and equilibrium properties of materials. The interpretation and extraction of information from phase diagrams will be covered, particularly as relates to crystal structure and phase distributions. Students will be introduced to the development and the use of thermodynamic and crystallographic databases.
MDI 500: Soft Matter Design (Elective, FALL COURSE)
STEM Outreach

Science in Elementary at Westminster Community Charter School (UB, 2018)

Instructor at Western New York Youth Climate Action Summit in collaboration with the Collaboratory for a Regenerative Economy (CoRE) initiative